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Old 06-24-2013, 07:24 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: May 2012
Location: United States
Posts: 128
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Clean MAF and Throttle Body for lower idle

I've been doing that engine on coasting for a while and it was bugging me that the idle was in the 900-950 rpm range when coasting. Tried to set the idle screw on the throttle but the throttle was not closing fully. I got some carb cleaner and sprayed and tooth brushed the gunk on the throttle and butterfly. I was able to lower the idle RPM into the 750 -800 range. That will save some nickels.

2nd thing: got some MAF spray and blasted the wires and sensors in the MAF. (Make sure it is MAF spray, Wires are special in the MAF) Everything got real shiny. I can't tell if that made any mpg improvement yet,but it can't hurt.

3rd thing. Cleaned out the air filter and box. washed out the dust in the plastic tubes/snorkles? Added some armour all type protectent to the rubber parts and made sure all the pipes.. etc were leak free. SC

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