Originally Posted by cfg83
janvos39 -
That's really cool! Did you publish that before?
With the solid mount plate, if you have a center cap, you don't need to make holes in the alloy. Mount the plate onto the center cap, and the clear cover onto the plate.
"I would like to thank the members of the ACADEMY - ECU, for their inspiration......."
I kept thinkin about the MB clear post and the rods coming out from the center.
in the past, my thought pattern had envolved heavy material spinning around.
this thread got me past that.....
1. If I could mount something very light on the cap?????!!!!!!!
2. and try yo have some kind of convex.
Here is the cap:
here is the concept:
use the lightest possible material (plexiglass rod, thin extruded aluminuum...)
make an X pattern.
Have bolts coming UP thru the cap (the example has the bolts in the X just for display)
slightly arch the braces to "pull" the outer edges securely down on the edge if the alloy wheel.
one other thouhgt, run a very small rubber 'bead' or lip on the out edge of the clear plastic. (if I dont use the trays)
Thanks to all!!!!!
try to have finished by next weekend!!!!!