Originally Posted by skyl4rk
It sounds like the most economical way to do this would be to take an existing room and build an inner wall frame with ceiling and raised floor, and fill the wall space with insulation.
A staggered studwall and 8" of insulation would also result in an extremely quiet room. Here's one room-within-a-room construction built to be extremely quiet:
An Anechoic Chamber for SPCR | silentpcreview.com
If this is for a hypothetical cabin, I'll assume it's not a large building. By the time you superinsulate an 8' square room (32' perimeter), you're a third of the way to superinsulating and sealing an entire 25'x25' house (100' perimeter). A DIY solar thermal collector can be built for a few thousand dollars, and would heat the home to comfortable levels without you having to light a fire.
Here's an ice fishing shack with a Trombe wall: