What's the minimum equipment you take on the bike for the commute? I have a long commute and was about 8 miles from home and saw a flash just before I heard the loud pssssssssssss. I had hit a piece of glass that sliced the tire half way through so that when I tried to inflate the tire a bit of the tube would stick out of the slice made from the glass.

I took a couple of bucks folded to make a sleeve and line the inside of tire to protect and to keep the tube inside the tire. Limped my way home. This has happen a couple of times so I make it a habit of carry the following in a
seat pouch.
1 spare tube
1 set of patches
set of tire levers
3 CO2 cartages
CO2 tire inflator
Alan keys
Chain tool.
Cell phone- won't leave home without it.
10 bucks in varying denominations.
Zip lock baggie for cell phone
This has been enough to only leave me stranded once when I had multiple punctures.