Stranger bugs have manifested under less remarkable conditions, I'm sure.
Then again, I'm shooting in the dark here, because I'm not a software engineer. I can't even remember vBasic or BasicA, for the sake of all things computer.
Well, it sadly delayed some of my fuel log improvements and work on, but I did manage to learn something about the site and fix and issue with the fuel logs that will make them more google and non-signed-in-user-friendly.
Speaking of fuel logs... mine just mysteriously jumped, though I haven't done anything with them except edit the price of a fill up, since your new details showed me that I was averaging like $300 a fill up... way off. I had misplaced a decimal.
Fuel price edits shouldn't affect my MPG average, though, and I haven't posted a fillup since April or May... I will post this next one, though.
The thing in my sig showed 33.5% or so a few mins ago, and now it's showing 44.5%
My 90day is obviously 0, since I haven't posted one in that long, at least.
My lifetime is 27.73, which is also what my sig thing used to say... but now it has a 28.9 average, which is the last 3 tanks that were posted. Is the sig thing not showing lifetime average anymore?
I'm not sure about why it may or may not have changed...
To be honest, I may have changed something in the programming when I did the fuel log stuff without even noticing, though I kind of doubt it...No idea, really. I'll ask darin when he gets off the boat