Dear American Ecomodders, I salute you
It drove me crazy, I can do low 7L/100km (32-33 MPG) in Canada without even trying but I was struggling to maintain 8L/100km (26-27 MPG) driving to Seattle two weekends ago. I could've drove slower but I did not feel comfortable doing so as many drivers were aggressive. Sometimes I find a semi who shares my groove and just follow it at a safe distance but unfortunately I couldn't find one. Maybe I faced a headwind, in both directions.
Well, I did get it down to the 6.5L/100km, when there was so much blowing snow that everyone went 45mph on the I-5.
Anyway, a salute to my Ecomodder neighbours to the south, it opened my eyes a bit that you guys have it a bit more rough than we do. Aggressive fellow drivers, rough road surfaces, you guys really have to work for that extra MPG.
My car by the way is rated 8.1L/100km (29 MPG) highway in Canada, 8.7L/100km (27 MPG) under the old US EPA method, and 9.4L/100km (25 MPG) under the new US EPA method.