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Old 02-25-2013, 10:00 PM   #11 (permalink)
5 Gears of Fury
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Join Date: Sep 2009
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Spunky - '90 Honda Civic CX
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Drive up a hill, then upshift into too high of a gear at a low speed. Stand on the gas pedal. If the engine lugs and starts to slowly bring the car up to speed, instead of revving up without the car accelerating, then the clutch is fine. Check your fluid for your clutch slave cylinder. If it is full then it's not likely a hydraulic issue. And this sounds weird, but check your floormat. If you have big, thick winter time rubber mats in your car, they tend to work their way forwards and get in under the clutch pedal. So it feels like it's on the floor, but it isn't. I have gotten two cars at a discount over the years because the owners thought the clutches were out of them, just to pull the floormat back into place and have no issues after that. If all that stuff checks out, then it sounds like the previous owner did a number on the synchros to me.

"Don't look for one place to lose 100 pounds, look for 1600 places to lose an ounce." - Tony DeFeo
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