Hi to everyone!
First of all, i'm apologize for my english (i'm italian), and i hope this is the right section.
I've got a Ford Focus 2016 hatchback diesel and despite it's very thrifty in consumption i wanted to improve aerodynamic.
The first thing that i did, was to look down the underside of tha car and what i saw scaried me a lot. there weren't panels or anything else except a little diffuser, two mini panels near the rear wheels, four spats and, of course, an undertray.
Here the underside of my car (photo by google):

So the first thing that i did after that thrilling vision, was to search what ford did in the "Econetic" version about aerodynamics mods, that is to add a paneling to the underside and equipped the steel wheels with a smooth hubcaps. I bought these panels and i mounted them.
Here there is a photos of a Focus with all panels (photo by google):

In the middle of multilink structure, you can see a little cover of it. It's very very little.
I decided to create a carbon sheet to cover all suspension structure that then, will work with a new diffuser, more wide. i was started with making a cardboard mock-up, and this is the final result:
I'm sorry but i don't have the photo of the underside of the car with this panels, but i made a very poor photoshop
What do you thing about this underside?
Soon i will project a right diffuser