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kurzer 08-25-2016 05:00 AM

DIY engine stop/start, with clutch + throttle switch restart

Originally Posted by Phantom (Post 520418)
Has anyone added start stop to a vehicle?

thats what i did twice. the first attempt was a Daihatsu Move. Manuell ignition kill switch. restart when clutch and throttle are pressed the same time.

second attempt is my Hyundai Santamo. The kill switch is now right hand operation and cuts the injection. And it is self holding. Way better, for engine braking, as deep down as you want. a little slower at restart. i countered this witch a hypersensible throttle switch.
the simple kill switch alone makes about 90% of the trick in my case. the self restart is barely used and avoidable. at the end of the last video is shown a stop without a restart.

i used the build in injection relais to kill the engine. thats the first step.

second is restart, the technik is simple. a circuit:
12v batterie - throttel - clutch - service switch - relais coil - 12v alternator

messure out the thin pin at the alternator, witch goes from 0v to 12v when the engine is running. the 0v are basicaly ground. so the relais is operating when the engine is not turning and all switchen are closed. this relais leads 12v to the starter. done.

MetroMPG 08-25-2016 01:01 PM

kurzer -- very interesting. I think I like that clutch/accelerator restart.

Do you have a dedicated thread documenting this project?

kurzer 08-25-2016 04:19 PM

sorry, there is no thread about it. but feel free to ask, iŽll try my best to explain.:D

the clutch+Throttle restart works verry well, indeed. i put the car in gear and wait for green. the normal feet movment starts the engine at the latest possible moment.

Jurgis 06-19-2017 04:45 AM

kill switch

Originally Posted by kurzer (Post 521413)
thats what i did twice. the first attempt was a Daihatsu Move. Manuell ignition kill switch. restart when clutch and throttle are pressed the same time.

second attempt is my Hyundai Santamo. The kill switch is now right hand operation and cuts the injection. And it is self holding. Way better, for engine braking, as deep down as you want. a little slower at restart. i countered this witch a hypersensible throttle switch.

the simple kill switch alone makes about 90% of the trick in my case.

Hello Kurzer,
I'd like to install a kill switch too. Today I stop the engine while driving by switching ignition off by turning the key for two seconds. Not a safe way. It happend that in a situation of heavy traffic I forgot to switch it on again and wondered why the engine won't start again. The other point is that everytime the ignition is off the light goes off too.
Imagine someone is behind you and once a minute his light goes off for 2 or 3 seconds. Even more trouble if the Police realizes that. Until now I was lucky but one day ...

The reason why I didn't install this kill switch (or better said ignition off pushbutton) is that I have no idea which cable I have to cut. To mount a relay and a switch isn't a problem for me.

As my car has a manual gear it's rather easy to start the engine again as far as the car is still rolling or just by key after long stops at the traffic light.

MetroMPG 06-19-2017 01:02 PM

moved to dedicated thread
Hi kurzer -

I moved the discussion of your project into this new thread.

(Note, it was previously inside: )


I have a question too: how does the clutch+throttle switch control how long the starter is engaged?

teoman 06-19-2017 01:20 PM

What are the options for us guys with automatics?

kurzer 06-19-2017 01:47 PM

@ Jurgis without the wiring diagram no one can say. but u better go for the injection relay than the ignition. otherwise the fuel is still dripping...


Originally Posted by MetroMPG (Post 543322)

I have a question too: how does the clutch+throttle switch control how long the starter is engaged?

the alternator pin went from 0v to 12v when the engine is running. so we have 12v at both ends of the relais coil. thats a 0v difference, so the relais is released and the starter stops. this is faster than the drivers hand can be.

jic: when the alternator fails and the starter will not stop, u have to open the service switch.

California98Civic 06-19-2017 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by kurzer (Post 543329)
@ Jurgis without the wiring diagram no one can say. but u better go for the injection relay than the ignition. otherwise the fuel is still dripping...

the alternator pin went from 0v to 12v when the engine is running. so we have 12v at both ends of the relais coil. thats a 0v difference, so the relais is released and the starter stops. this is faster than the drivers hand can be.

jic: when the alternator fails and the starter will not stop, u have to open the service switch.

That's pretty damned smart, but it might force a few hypermilers to adapt their kiss-starting clutch technique a little. I don't know about you all, but I suspect my gas pedal gets a tap as I raise the clutch pedal a little for clutch/flywheel contact.

kurzer 06-19-2017 05:22 PM

true egnough. sometimes i hit the gas unintended and the starter kicks in. sometimes on purpose, but normally i double clutch for restart. that is the softest rolling restart possible.

cRiPpLe_rOoStEr 06-20-2017 02:05 PM

So, can you restart it pressing only the throttle in case the engine stalls?

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