Each year Mom buys new icicle lights swearing that this time they will actually hang down. I tell her they wouldn't. "Just pull on them."
I pulled on them.
"You did it wrong."
This year I managed to convince her to use the same lights as last year and then I looked up how to make them hang down. I felt that the best solution was to buy 16g wire from Walmart, straighten it, cut it to length, and zip tie it to each icicle. Awesomely, I had them nice and straight, but half of them were curved once I hung them, and all the wire did when I tried to straighten it was spin so it curved the other way.
It took at least an hour and Mom complained constantly because apparently the only thing that she hates worse than icicle lights that don't hang down is me fixing them.
I ran out of wire, so the last couple of icicles on the left are bunched up. The other strand did not light up when I plugged them in, so I will mess with them later. Several icicles on this strand are dark, so I will mess with them, too.
See? Kind of straight!
On the bright side, how can I possibly forget to unplug the lights? They are outside of my window!