The first nine minutes covers this....
...then gets in to fiberglass fabricated from a 3D printed template.
The Artec Leo portable scanner is a $34K item, but the toolchain goes from there to Blender, which is free and open source to Prusa Slicer, which is basd on Slic3r.
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General info | Prusa Knowledge Base
Welcome to PrusaSlicer documentation (PrusaSlicer manual) PrusaSlicer (formerly known as Slic3r Prusa Edition or Slic3r PE) is our own in-house developed slicer software based on the open-source project Slic3r. PrusaSlicer is an open-source, feature-rich, frequently updated tool that contains everything you need to export the perfect print ...
If I could bend Blender to my will, I'd try using the hair or particles systems to create streamlines and animate them.