My long-term plans just keep changing.
I was trying to take summer school in order to graduate in time, but there is a conflict with annual training, so graduation would be delayed one semester, but entering grad school would be pushed back an entire year.
Today my platoon Sergeant called and said that I was transferred to another unit. Now I can do both annual training and summer school. However, I had not planned on annual training because I needed to go to Utah to learn my new job, and I found out that my best friend just moved really close to there.
He said that we could meet up for lunch if I did not have time to see him.
That close.
I could not even get that training now if I wanted to, but I was more focused on not being able to see my best friend without additional traveling.
I called him as I drove home and he told me that he needed to figure out how to get his stuff up there, so I offered to help drive a truck.
We talked about that and I stopped to top off my tank just because I had forgotten to reset my Ultragauge, so it beeped every twenty seconds. We talked about it some more, he got off the phone, and I tried finding threads on here about ecomodding moving trucks. I had not found anything, but I really need to take care of schoolwork.
If it has not been clear in this or previous posts, I spend more time here than doing my schoolwork. If only Ecomodder were hiring!
Does anyone remember any relevant threads? Slowmover had excellent tips for renting trucks. I figured that I could use that special duct tape that does not leave residue to block the grill and I have a political sign that would look great under the truck. What would it take to keep coroplast under a truck for six hundred miles?
Is anyone going to tell me to do pizza pans on a U-haul?