I tend to travel into Canada a bit, and due to the fact that my car has those tiny friggin kph markings on the speedo, it makes it rather awkward to read at 4am, in another country, on a road you've only been on once before. Just for reference, I'm rockin a base model (no tach, power locks haha) 2001 Honda Civic.
So I was thinking since I suck at conversions in my head (Mph - Kph), I was thinking about adding a custom screen that displayed Instant Speed in KPH and Instant MPG in well, MPG. I don't care if it's set up in a four slot thing and two slots are left blank on the screen.
The problem is, I don't even know where to start. I'm waiting on getting my Arduino in the mail tomorrow (if USPS is worth their salt, and they're already late), but I have dinked with code before a little (Prior thread, Super MPGuino, kinda died), so I'm not totally clueless.
Would it be best just to use the stock code for calibration purposes, then modify the main "MPH" to be "KPH" so it's accurate, and just use my normal speedometer till I hit the border?
Add something like "unsigned long instantKPH ();" and then insert that into the "custom" screen page to replace InstantMPH?
If it's not obvious though, I don't know diddly about coding. I am trying to learn, but sadly I learn by example, then hands on. Otherwise I just butcher things by putting them willy nilly, and it takes me years to figure out what could have been told to me in ten minutes.