without boring you with the details, and using your 'Drag Queens' values for the Nissan, I came up with 99.1-miles range, at 139.2 mpg-e.
If you slowed down to 65-mph, you'd be looking at 120.4-miles range, at 180.6-mpg-e
If you further slowed to Tesla Motors 57-mph 'sweet-spot', you'd be looking at 141.5-miles range, at 212.3-mpg-e
If you did the 'Think Flight' modifications, with Cd 0.175, and Tesla's 57-mph, you'd be looking at 160.7-miles, at 241-mpg-e
This is predicated upon:
* no air conditioning
* 98% power electronics efficiency
* 98% single-speed transmission efficiency
* 93.71% motor efficiency
* calm
* level
* dry
* Interstate or state highway constant speed cruising
At 75-mph your wasting 3.219-horsepower / hour to waste heat.
8,197-Btu / hour
0.683-'tons' of heat, capable of heating a larger-than-normal tiny home.
At 75-mph, the aerodynamic power-cubed law is handing you your own backside.
MOTOR TREND tried it with the Gen-II LEAF, and immediately slowed down to 65-mph. The range had fallen in great excess of what the odometer was gaining.

* SAE Standard air