As far as I can tell all of Facebook is down, but that is what I hear from silly Internet weirdos. I have been trying to work!
Sure, my new client didn't connect after I sent a reminder half an hour ahead of time, but even if I don't need these materials for this client, this is a periodic problem. If I reboot it should be fine, but then I would need to reload all of my work documents!
The first Google result that I found for "No printers installed" seemed to be for Windows xp and 2000.
The next page says "Right-click on the printer in Devices and Printers and select Troubleshoot."
All that it shows me is Properties, but I clicked on Settings > Devices and Printers Folder, clicked on Microsoft Print to PDF > Troubleshoot and it worked!
I created a shortcut to my desktop to save time the next time.
Now! How do I fix my laptop forgetting my network adapters?!
So, having spent 90 minutes putting together materials for a client that never connected now I can focus on...