I am at the moment doing CFD simulation to the offset matter. I am using a Drivaer 3d model with just drivers side and front wheel. Wheel is fully closed in the simulation so there is no cooling holes at the moment. So far it seems that if you move wheel inwards it helps with the drag. In first simulations wheel is not rotating.
- mm is inward movement
+mm is outward movement
+40mm 0,4961
+30mm 0,4870
+20mm 0,4908
+10mm 0,4896
STD 0,490
-10mm 0,4926
-20mm 0,4900
-30mm 0,4829
-40mm 0,4835
Next I will put convex hubcab there which will come outwards +20mm at the center. And for next runs I will also take down the actual forces as the frontal area changes little bit so the drag coefficient calculations are not exact. Frontal area grows from A=1,0218m2 to A convex capsels=1,0226m2
My guess for sweet spot is between -20 to -30mm range. Specially when wheels are rotating
After that I will try to put it then rotating. Pics will follow later
Last edited by Vekke; 06-09-2022 at 05:46 PM..