Electric Aygo?
I've been toying for some time about throwing an electric motor into my Aygo.
My idea is as follows:
Use the book to house batteries and an electric motor connected to a rear axel. This would allow for the front wheels to be powered by the engine and the rear to be powered by the electric motor. The engine could also be running (in idle and in neutral) to charge the batteries when using the electric motor.
From my ecperience with the Aygo the systension would have to be stiffened and raised a little to handle the extra weight. It does not handle weight well at the moment as it is with 4 heavy people sitting in it as speed bumps cause a problem.
Doing only urban driving no more than 10-15 mins at the current fuel rate I get around 65 miles per £10 i put in and would like to further this by converting it to a hybrid.
Does this sound too far fetched?