+1 for the TDI.
Someone on the TDI Club explained it the best, you get the mileage of a Prius but the power of a Vette.
I've seen a lot of whining on this website about the cost, but its more related to how much you want to learn about the car and how many tools you buy. Either way, every car is going to have costs and broken parts, but I've definitely learned a lot on this car, can get 40 MPG while railing on the car, 55+ if the conditions and roads allow slowness. A TDI will flat out be funner and have more potential/longer life than most other cars. Unless you can find an old Honda Insight, I'd love to have one of those... Until its time to go fast.
AFAIK an A4 platform car should be around 4-5k. 1999.5-2003. An older A3 platform will probably be $1000 less. The A4 ALH engine is the best for mods and power. Later models have so much emissions crap on them that it takes away from MPGs + has fewer mods.