Usually in Indian cities Hypermiling is quite challenging due to road constraints and heaviest traffic (more car/, most of the car manufacturers are breaking their previous sales record after entering India, specially in the hatchback segment)
My car ("Ritz" Diesel popularly known as Suzuki "Splash") EPA is 40 mpg in city but car owners often complains about getting around 37 mpg (w/o ac).
Before practicing hypermiling I used to have the same complain because I always tried to speed past cars including jack rabbit starts,rapid gear changes,slamming the brakes at red lights, speeding in lower gears to gain rapid acceleration, zig zagging through the traffic only to reach the red light earlier than other drivers.
What I have understood or better to say experienced is that our driving habit
is the prime ecomodd that one must do in the first step
But now I have crossed 45 mpg (w/o ac) in city only and its increasing even more

Now I start in second gear always during intermediate starts, I used to accelerate like tortoise, minimum use of A and B pedal, usually I don't press the A pedal more than 20% of its full travel.
Keep my speed within 35 miles/hr, practicing pulse and glide heavily within short intervals even if it is only a 200 meters stretch. I glide in neutral with engine on.
I climb flyovers/uphill with minimum acceleration and glide in neutral at descent/downhill.
Thanks to all those Hypermilers who share their tips and suggestion over numerous forums around the globe.