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Old 07-31-2011, 10:16 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Feather Merchant

Heard the term used today on TV, about the military being paid before some "Feather Merchant" in the Commerce Department.

The term is the title of Pop's recently published book about his experiences as a B17 pilot in WW2. The book was published a little over a year ago and is now available as a kindle download (others as well I am sure). Pop was sitting in a restaurant and he started talking to another customer about his Feather merchant logo on his shirt. When the other person found out what it meant he searched the web, found the book and downloaded it and started reading it right in the restaurant.

Needless to say, (one of Pops terms that I always told him, it was needless to say "needless to say") the experience was fairly profound for my 90 year old father, to see a book that took him 35 years to research, organise, write, have edited 5 times (once by me) and finally in print with a Library of Congress number, and to have actually received a royalty check.

Glad you lived long enough to see it happen Pop, the smile on your face was priceless.


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Old 07-31-2011, 10:24 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Cool, for sure.

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Old 07-31-2011, 12:55 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic View Post
Heard the term used today on TV, about the military being paid before some "Feather Merchant" in the Commerce Department.

The term is the title of Pop's recently published book about his experiences as a B17 pilot in WW2. The book was published a little over a year ago and is now available as a kindle download (others as well I am sure). Pop was sitting in a restaurant and he started talking to another customer about his Feather merchant logo on his shirt. When the other person found out what it meant he searched the web, found the book and downloaded it and started reading it right in the restaurant.

Needless to say, (one of Pops terms that I always told him, it was needless to say "needless to say") the experience was fairly profound for my 90 year old father, to see a book that took him 35 years to research, organise, write, have edited 5 times (once by me) and finally in print with a Library of Congress number, and to have actually received a royalty check.

Glad you lived long enough to see it happen Pop, the smile on your face was priceless.

+1,000,000 - not many people are able to commit to words their rememberances and experiences.

Last edited by gone-ot; 08-01-2011 at 12:24 PM..
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