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Old 08-22-2009, 10:42 AM   #1 (permalink)
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A few questions.

Anyone know what happened, or is happening with the automotive x-prize? I saw a lot of worldwide coverage on the net and elsewhere when it got going, but not much of anything now...Are they still looking to make a 100 mpg car, or is it higher than that?

I wonder why they went for such a high number (100 mpg) ? Did it just sound good, or was there a glimmer of reality in it, because I can't see it.

GM / Suzuki already made the Metro in the late 80's early 90's: gets somewhere between 40-60 mpg depending on model or driving style.
It was cheap, everyman transport with great mpg's...

So my next question is, why can't someone build another metro copy with at least the same mpg's, for the same cost (roughly, allowing for inflation etc)?

We get the Honda Fit, The Nissan Versa, Hyundai Sonata, etc. All acceptable cars, but mpgs are not even close.

We get oddballs that wont sell to the mainstream population at large...ultra expensive EV's, or ultra expensive hybrids.

The X-prize aims too high? Why don't they just aim for 50mpg first, and a car that people would actually buy / could actually afford. Could we talk the creators of the x-prize into trying to be a little more humble? Or would it not be popular enough if it didn't sound amazing :100MPG WOW!!!

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Old 08-22-2009, 01:28 PM   #2 (permalink)
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I was wondering the same thing? That and if Doug Pelmear is in jail yet.lol
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Old 08-22-2009, 03:01 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Why do you think 100 mpg is too high? I think it's rather low: for the last 6 years, I've been driving a 2000 model car that has averaged 71.2 mpg over that time - and that's the way *I* drive it, other people can & have done better. So they want to award a honking big prize for less than a 50% improvement?

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