Originally Posted by dirtydave
I do like the Celica's. They look nice. I bet they get poor mileage from high gearing. Nothing a little pulse and glide cant fix 
Could I go about changing the gearing to increase mileage? How much do gears typically cost and how hard is It to drop and crack open the transmission?
Originally Posted by redpoint5
Good idea getting a smaller car for your commute. You will easily save more in fuel to pay for the extra vehicle, even at low fuel prices.
I'd move closer to work if it's a place you see staying at long term. 200 miles each day is a lot of extra time spent commuting. Heck, my wife is moving because school is just 15 miles away, but Portland traffic will make the commute 1 hour each way. She can't give up 2 hours each day and study medicine.
My job I travel Alot I travel the whole us and Canada to clean power plant boilers and oil refineries so it's not a every Monday through Friday commute, only when I'm not on the road. But summer is our slow time so I'm home quite a bit then. Right now I live with my parents so if I moved closer to work I'd be spending more money

I'm only 22 at the moment but I feel very content with how I'm doing in life. I have my toys and such (crotch rocket, four wheelers, etc) but If I can save money on gas in the long run that's even more savings to invest in toys (:
say I'm home 3 months a year that's 60 work days. That equates to 15k miles. My truck sees roughly 20-22 so give it the benefit of the doubt and say at 22mpg that's 681 gallons. At the avg price around me 1.90$ that's 1300$ a year in gas so if I get a car that gets 44mpg that'll save me 650$ a year if I can hit my 60mpg goal that'll be like 800$ a year savings