Fuel cut off mode...HELP
I have a 2000 Plymouth Neon, and the car has a fuel cut off mode built into the factory PCM. I monitor this functions' operation with my scan guage. Last night we had a terrible rain storm and I had to drive through some high water (about 6 inches...not 2 feet) and now the fuel cut off mode does not seem to work. There is not a CEL and the car is operating fine and still showing normal FE. Does anyone know what parameters are required for the fuel cut off to occur? In the past, it was in gear, above ~1500 RPM, foot off the throttle, cruise control off and A/C off. That is all I know from my observation. If someone knows the actual parameters that Plymouths engineers programmed into the CPU, please inform me. Thanks for any help.
2000 Neon.
My first attempt at good fuel economy
Have had MANY F-A-S-T gas guzzlers in the past
Goal is 47 MPG