Originally Posted by ukiltmybrutha
Lol! Not on these dangerous roads!
I feel you there! I love to ride, and I have about a 6 mile gauntlet on the ride into work that makes it not safe nor practical. Either I am on an unprotected bicycle lane on a 6 lane 45mph ( try 60! ) speedway to the freeway, or I am on a steep hill climb with no shoulder or barely a ditch, around a blind corner or two. I have *never* seen a bike on the second route, and I see a couple of bikes a month on that speedway. You could ride sidewalk on the first one. So much fun with all that car exhaust.
I have seen trucks and cars wander into that bike lane every day. It is really a suicide lane.
2007 Dodge Ram 3500 SRW 4x4 with 6MT
2003 TDI Beetle
2002 TDI Beetle
currently parked - 1996 Dodge 2500 Cummins Turbodiesel
Custom cab, auto, 3.55 gears