So about a month ago a delivery van parks in the employee parking section and clips my mirror on his way out taking off and leaving it dangling by the power cable. (still trying to get a garage to actually send a fax of the estimate to get a replacement should it be necessary, been through 4 shops already)
I had no idea how to take it off completely at the time so I re-attached it using packing tape. Weren't perty, but at least it wasn't dangling. The housing is cracked, the motor is detached from the housing, so it's fairly worthless. While I was waiting in a parking lot for people to show up last night I decided that if it's going to be worthless, it's going to be gone.
I actually found the official repair documentation a while back so now I know how to remove it the right way: remove speaker grill from window corner, take out 2 bolts, remove speaker, take out 1 bolt, remove mirror. Simple, right? Well, turns out I left the regular pliers and the socket set back at home. All I have is needle nose pliers, more packing tape, and a pocket knife. Needle nose pliers don't even budge the bolts and are starting to strip the heads. Well crap. Two minutes and some packing tape later, I've cut the cable and wrapped up the mounting nub:
Still a'int perty, but at least it's not annoying me

I'll do it right later. The rubber mounting will make a nice seal for a much better blanking plate so I don't have to mess with adhesives and I'll be able to put a replacement mirror back on should it be necessary (if the rear view is blocked then the law requires the passenger mirror)
Still haven't checked to see if regular gray duct tape matches my car...