a cracked windshield can fail so in theory that's a rather big concern especially for someone inspecting the car for safety..
the central wiper won't block much vision... most cars today have terribly obstructive A pillars and unlike the wiper they can't be moved... normal wipers pass trough your field of vision anyway, but i can imagine pedestrian collision safety might be compromised by a projecting wiper.
while it's unfortunate given the relative straightforward conversion the smile never replaced the twingo the new upscaled twingo2 does have a superficial resemblance to the smile...surely not as clean, but i've seen cars that looked more offensive to the airflow as well
the grill looks a little nasty but it's partly blocked, and easy enough to ziptie a back piece of coroplast in and the smooth top of the nose will surely be a welcome sight for the oncomming air
original twingo
new twingo... note the minimal rear tire clearance... not as clean as the smile, but surely a step in the right direction