Greetings from Spain
Hi all!
I've got my driving licence on 2nd September this year (I'm 18), and I've been reeeeeeally interested in fuel efficiency since I began my practical classes in a driving school.
I own an Audi 100 with a 2.3E engine (133 hp), but unfortunatelly it is at the garage under manteinance & repairing (I had a few problems with the odometer, as it stopped working after 25 years. Same with AC compressor).
Up to now I've been driving a Chevrolet Evanda (131 hp), from 2005, if I'm not mistaken.
I try to get the maximum range of every fuel tank I refill. Up to now, the maximum FE I've got is 33,6 MPG in a trip that I could calculate with little mistake (as that car doesn't have any kind of display). I must say that when I did that mileage there was a total of 4 people in the car + AC turned on + the fact that I couldn't do a good FE as I would have wanted, as my parents don't want to understand the term "hypermileage" and think there is no way to save fuel.
By the way! I'm learning English as a 3rd language and studing a double degree on Electrical & Electronical engineering