I got a 1985 Chevy/Toyota(Nova) for free!
I'm looking into DIY electric conversion but until I decide, and get the $$$, aeromodding looks very interesting.
(If you are still reading...)
I have to commute 36 miles one way, down (and back up) a large plateau, and 10 milesw on dirt road - extreme requirements for electric.
And if you're STILL with me...
(Let me get up on my soapbox...)
How come we see such tremendous advances in every technological field,
except fuel economy??? My '85 Chevy/Toyota gets 33 MPG consistently, after ...almost 200K miles...1985!!! And there were several other cars, 20-30 years old that did/still do better than that.
I truly believe we should be seeing 100MPG or better, on everything from cars to semi's -- except for the ever-power hungry oil/auto mogals greed.
I know, I'm probably preaching to the choir...
Anyhows.. I hope to do some radical streamlining to my chevy/toyota!
Glad to see what everyone is doing here.