Originally Posted by SVOboy
Welcome to EcoModder! I'm from Mt Holly, what about you?
I'm from Illinois originally, went to college in Texas...but live not far from Mr. Holly right now.
You might have an idea of my commute

42, 95 and 76. 80 miles round trip in some always entertaining traffic. 400 miles a week
This Forum has really sparked some fire to get some more mods going. I'm really excited to try the grill block and "Home Depot" lip.
I didn't mention before, but the ZX2 has 237,000 miles on it, my wife bought it new and it holds the current 1/4 mile record on TeamZX2 for a Naturally Aspirated Automatic ZX2. Turned a 15.711 @ 87mph in November at ATCO. I think I can coax another half second out of it yet
I really like this ZX2, very durable, runs pretty strong and get's real good mpg.