I came across this Excel Spreadsheet I made months ago and I figured some might be able to use it.
I wanted to compare the effects of different cars, ecomodding, hypermiling, and changes in gas prices...simultaneously.
It is set up for my daily route to school, but adjustments can be made for whomever by changing the values at the top. It measures costs on a one-way, round-trip, weekly, and "event" schedule. The "event" for me is my quarter system at school (10 weeks).
By hypermiling I save ~$4-5 a week and $40-50 per quarter. By switching to a modded CRX, I could cut my quarter costs by 2/3! This is just gas cost, though, not maintenance, insurance, registration, etc.
Password: ecomodder
Why a password? Copyright protection?

I don't know...Why not. If anyone has better suggestions for file hosting, I'm all ears...
- LostCause