Hi and noob chevy sonic ?
Hey all, I have been lurking on here for some time but never posted before. I’m looking for real world information on the Chevy sonic. I test drove a sedan with the 1.4L w/ auto last night and few months ago test drove the 1.8L with a stick. The wife and I both walked away saying the same thing, Wow that steering is really touchy. Now in its defense I haven’t driven a new car in a long time. I own a 98 Camaro, 1998 s-10 4X4 and she has 2006 cobalt. So we don’t have much to compare it to other than the 2008 Pontiac grand prix we test drove same day as the 1.4L. I like the sonic and would consider getting one but the steering is too much in my opinion.
Now for all the sonic owners out there does the steering loosen up some after some miles? What kind of MPG are you pulling down? I’m looking to replace my truck as a commuter back and forth to work about 20 miles round trip. Any help would be great thanks.