Hit 30 MPG once again!
My last tank inclued a run up to Portland to check out a '94 Civic VX, which sadly was sold the previous day, one day of my regular commute, and a bit of driving a co-worker to pick up her son and take them home.
The fillup went past F because the attendant added more in after it clicked, but it took about 30 miles to get back to where it was at the last fillup. Assuming 27 MPG today, that would put it at just about a gallon over my previous fillup, which means my last tank was an even 30 MPG!
I've hit 30 only once before with all freeway driving during the late spring, so this was a very pleasant surprise to hit the 30 barrier during the winter.
I scored a set of new Accel injectors that match the stock flow rate, so hopefully the better atomization will bump up the MPGs even further, and I might actually get closer to 30 on a regular basis!
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