The Fit EV will achieve an estimated 100 miles driving range per charge using the US EPA LA4 City cycle (70 miles when applying EPA's adjustment factor), well more than the average number of miles driven daily by most commuters.
It is a lot like the Leaf, and I do like the Fit. They have done some subtle aero adjustments. If the price is reasonable, and the battery pack is well designed, it should be a good EV.
I just wish a company would make the yugo of 100 mile range EVs. I'm never going to buy a $30,000 car of any sort no matter what. Not even a $15,000 car.
I thought they claimed that the Fit EV would do way more than 100 miles? I thought it was something like 240km (or roughly 180 miles?), man if is only 100 miles (160km) i'm disappointed...