Well, the first tank has been disappointing, but that's my fault.
I wasn't wearing my glasses when I filled at the start and then couldn't control my right hand on the motorway.
This first week has confirmed what I thought from the start, - if I'm going to run this at 80 kph plus, it really needs a windscreen and taller gears.
There's very few photos of this model with screens on the net, so I'd welcome any input about what to buy (or make?) with looks and MPG in mind.
Standard gearing for this is 14/38, with only these sprockets available locally. I can get optional sizes from Japan however.
So far, I'm thinking of a 15 front and a 36 rear.
That'll give me options of 14/36 (5.4% taller), 15/38 (7.1% taller) and 15/36 (12.9% taller).