Technically, everyone owns an electric car!
For those who want to be hardcore hypermilers, you could probably install an ignition/fuel injector kill switch that still allows you to use your starter. When at a stop, let out the clutch in first and hit the starter to move forward. I've never tried it and it might kill the starter/battery, but it seems feasible.
I also try the accordion method. It doesn't seem to work well on a two+ lane road as impatient people like to zoom in to the vacuum in front of me and slam on their brakes, disrupting my momentum. I notice the same effect on the freeway, where I will have the perfect amount of space in front of me to buffer inconsistent traffic ahead only to be forced to brake by someone taking a golden opportunity to save 0.00056 seconds on their commute. Oh well, the relaxing, slow-paced atmosphere of driving for economy tends to moderate frustration.
- LostCause