I'm actually in the middle of working with fiberglass right now. I haven't posted in a while due to this project.
What I did was buy $20 of clay (100lbs from an art store), and make a clay mold of the skirt against the wheel well. I had pre measured out how far the skirt needed to come out to allow for a full turning radius. After I finished the mold, I carefully removed it from the wheel well, and put plaster on the outside of it ($10 for a 50lb bag) I'm on my 5th layer of plaster now, and once this one dries I'm going to start laying down the fiberglass into the mold.
It's a lot of work, but it's fairly cheap. Fiberglass cloth was $6.54 at Home Depot, and the Resin was only $16. So overall for 4 wheel skirts on my car that match the body kit will end up costing about $70. My buddy works in a body shop and he's already got paint matched up to my car. I'll post a thread hopefully at the end of the week with pictures and the HowTo's of it along with testing of the aerodynamic improvement results.
Overall the fiberglass work that I've done has been pretty easy and the results are looking good!
2008 Corolla S - 11,000miles
Pre-Hypermiling Tank Average ~34mpg
First Hypermiling experiment w/o ScanGuage 43.4mpg 
Hypermiling with ScanGuage around 51mpg! 