Other projects keep preventing me from working on my Civic--my Accord, Camry, and Mom's Camry. Guys from Church helped me push it uphill, but I cannot steer it right now, and it started going into the neighbor's yard. It was maybe 6" over the property line and the neighbor said that he needed me to move my car so he could use his tow dolly.
Funny, if I could use his tow dolly I could move my car.
I kept asking people how to do this and freebeard responded
One end at a time. Maybe a floor jack on a plank?
Boards under the jack would help it roll, but my floor jack never moves easily.
Do you think the wheels have bearings?
If the car were parked on pavement I could have bought wheel dollies. They are currently 2 for $58 at Harbor Freight, but
they randomly go on sale for as low as $40
I joked about putting the rollers I used to move the shed under my Civic, with each wheel sitting on a 4x4. That should have worked for a short distance, but I had concerns.
I think the only place in-town with wheel dollies charged $80 a pair. I didn't feel like spending $160 plus tax in order to push 2,400 pounds on little wheels in gravel.
I could have put down a bunch of boards so that it would roll easier, but lumber is valuable!
2,400 pounds spread across 4 dollies with 4 wheels each.
Would 150 pounds per wheel dig into pine?
Disregard. Home Depot is now charging $3.48 and I would still be able to use it, just not for every project.
I wonder how much all of the lumber in the backyard is worth now.
I might only damage $14 worth of lumber, but I would still need to buy $160 worth of tools I don't recall ever needing, nor do I know when I would need them again.
Anyway, I just used my floor jack and jack stands:

I positioned the jack as far sideways as I could, cranked it up, positioned the jack stands, lowered the jack, turned the jack the other way, removed the stands, and lowered the car.
It moved my car about 6" each time.
Hopefully the neighbor can maneuver his dolly around my car, but it is actually slightly on Mom's property. My Civic is a few inches from the line, so I am not worried about ti.
By the way, I used an app called Plate Overlay to blur my license plate. This seems easier and more professional from people do on Facebook Marketplace.