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5.4 02-18-2012 09:28 PM

How much do pay for INSURANCE per month?
How much do you guys pay for insurance per month?

Here I get charged $220 per month for two way insurance with the NO features. Such as: no rental car, $2000 deductible, no windshield coverage, no theft coverage, no hail or water coverage, no first accident forgiveness, zero tolerance for any ticket (they will drop your policy or raise it 2x) etc.

This is with no tickets, no crashes, high end area, no suspensions and 14 years driving with a full license.

GRU 02-18-2012 09:30 PM

Gotta love Ontario

About 100 / car / month. No coverage, just basic insurance with the highest deductable. Clean record, full license with 12 years experience

Frank Lee 02-18-2012 09:44 PM

Lotta crashes in Ontario?

I pay $16/mo and I think the local drivers are bad.

Ryland 02-18-2012 10:06 PM

I was a little shocked to see the first choice at $1-50 because I'm closer to what frank is paying, I pay $33 per month for two cars, my civic vx has full coverage with a $500 deductible and that coverage includes theft, hail and anything else I feel like reporting as long as I pay the first $500 and although I've had my motorcycle license starting when I turned 18, I've only had a license to drive a car for the last 7 years, and in that time an accident that was my fault and one that was not.
Here most home owners insurance will not insure you without auto insurance because the auto insurance is how they make their money.

SentraSE-R 02-18-2012 10:30 PM

I pay $37/month for full coverage on my 6 year old car, which is/was the third most likely vehicle to be ticketed. That's not too bad for driving in the Bay Area. Of course, the last ticket I received was nearly 30 years ago.

Ecky 02-18-2012 11:18 PM

I'm 22 and I rolled through a stop sign a few years back, so I don't have a completely clean record. I'm paying around $700 a year, so that's about $60 a month.

I live in Florida and I have minimal coverage.

GRU 02-19-2012 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Frank Lee (Post 287824)
Lotta crashes in Ontario?

I pay $16/mo and I think the local drivers are bad.

It's not that, it's kind of our tax system, pay high taxes and get free basic healthcare. It's so high because it covers a lot of different things, like if you hurt or kill someone.

cbaber 02-19-2012 12:46 AM

I pay about $53 a month for minimum coverage for my Civic. I am considering shopping around now that I see people paying a lot less. I have only one ticket over 3 years ago and thats my entire record.

ajjct 02-19-2012 08:16 AM

i pay 21 with 0 dedectible, and im one higher then minimum, and also have comp.

Ladogaboy 02-19-2012 10:42 AM

Eww, don't ask.

High rate of theft, vandalism, moving violations, accidents, etc. (I'm talking about the car.)

I have: A near perfect driving history (17 years), with one moving violation (over 10 years ago), and 0 culpability in any accidents (been rear ended thrice, only reported twice... and sideswiped once). I pay: ~$150/month.

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