Following Daox's step-by-step post about
how to set up your mileage signature, I thought I'd show how to add a cycle log.
The cycle log allows you to see how much distance you're covering by bike(s) compared to by car(s). Getting set up is easier than fooling around with your fuel log - no gallons (so no liters-to-gallons conversions to goof up), and no cost - cycling is free!
First, estimate how many miles you've done on your bike. The most popular time intervals are either from the beginning of this year's biking season until today, or from today's date last year until now. If you have an odometer on your bike, then it's a good idea to keep a log by writing down your odo's distance every month. This helps keep track in case your battery dies and you lose all those painful miles you've sweated through. If you have more than one bicycle, add their milage.
Next, calculate how many miles you've driven in the same time interval. Most ecomodders keep a log, so this shouldn't be difficult. If you drive more than one car then add their distances.
Now, open your car's fuel log page in the EM garage.
Clicking on 'Add cycle log' takes you to the page where you enter the data collected in the first two steps, and a description of the time interval and your biking habits.
Click 'Submit'.
Copy the code in the window and paste it into you signiture ('User CP' --> 'Edit Signiture') and save. Now increase the cycling percent and you can start bragging.