I figured I should take it upon myself to write up a little report of hybrid fest to share the good time with other members, in the hopes that they will come hang out next year if they are local.
Anyway, I am kind of bad at these things, but I will try to highlight the main points.
This year's booth featured my crx and mike's aerocivic, which both got pretty good attention, even compared to the other things. Mike especially fielded lots of questions, as was to be suspected.
As last year, I gave a little talk, which I was told was quite a bit better, and lasted about 45 minutes. Luckily there was no one videotaping this year, so that's good.
Attendance this year was a bit lower for the whole dane county fair, which was a bit of a bummer. I guess that's how it goes with the economy the way it is.
Anyway, quite a few ecomodders were there besides mike and I, including Tim (Daox), Tom (TomO), 3wheeler, whose name I can't remember for the life of me but really knows what's up in terms of foam and motorcycle fairings.
No late night bluegrass festivals for me this year, but a good time altogether. Woohoo.