sorry if i did sound harch to you, i agree with wat you're saying.
i've used a grillblock on my previous car, i can't say i saw a huge improvement from it, but on the other hand i never had much problems with overheating even with about 90% of the grill blocked! only once on the highway i took it of as a precaution because tems where getting a bit close to the redline.
my curent car has half the top and bottom grill blocked from the factory, with a plastic slot! wich is means carmakers are really doing a good job sometimes, but it also means i'll have to be more cautious about blocking the rest.
what i'd like to build would be a full block for the top grill that pops open when the fan comes on... i think i could get away with the lower grill alone as that's the most effective one, but i'd have more piece of mind if i didn't have peer at the temp gauge all the time.
what i'd really need to get me started on the project is some sort of actuator... something that extends when you apply 12V to it and retracts when the voltage drops. i could wire that to the fan so it would open when the car thinks things are getting to hot.
aer·o·dy·nam·ics: the science of passing gass
*i can coast for miles and miles and miles*