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Old 11-23-2016, 05:55 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Nov 2016
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Unhappy i20 1.1 CRDi mileage

Hello everybody!

I am new to this forum, to please move the thread if it is placed wrong!

I just bought a used i20 Classic Eco 1.1 CRDi from 2014. I bought it because it seemed to have a nice mileage, 31.1 km/L on the paper. I know it doesn't hold true, but according to equaindex.com it should easily run 25 km/L (one third city/motorway/extra-urban) - without even thinking about driving economically. These numbers are based on real-world tests.

However, when I drive - using the ISG, shifting gear when the car tells me to, and using the motor brake - I get worse figures. Extra-urban I only once - just once on a short distance - got it up to 30 km/L, urban around 20 km/L. Motorway depends, but ranges from 14-20 km/L.
Do you have any advice? What am I doing wrong? I have been trying to do everything, like putting it to neutral downhill, accelerating fast, accelerating slowly, ignoring the car's advice to shift the gear down, etc.

Thanks in advance!

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