IVT Hydraulic bike
Actually I am curious as to where I should even start this thread.
It started out as a 1972 CB 350 Honda, but there is not much of the original bike left. I wanted to start with an antique because it gives you a lot of leeway in how you build the systems, with no inspections, annual registrations, or county tags. Insurance is also dirt cheap. That old in Virginia doesn't even require turn signals.
The attached photo is the frame, wheels, and the pressure washer engine and pump, which includes everything needed for the production of 2400 PSI hydraulic pressure and 2.5 gallons per minute flow rate.
At first I will probably not use an accumulator, so it will not start out as a hybrid. Right now the whole thing weighs 167 pounds, compared to the original bike at something like 385. If i add a 1 gallon accumulator then it will have an additional regenerative capacity of 600 PSI above the pressure capability of the engine. Then I would also need a low pressure tank that would add slightly more weight.
Finished without an accumulator it should weigh about 185, and with the accumulator and low pressure reserve about 220. Even with my weight included it should be just slightly more than the bike originally weighed with no rider.
The bike cost $124. The pressure washer components were free. Going to use the original pressure washer cart as the donor for the engine mount, welded to the frame of the bike, so it retains its rubber insulators.
Hopefully it will get close to 60 MPH of flat ground, with no aero improvements. If so at 1.1 quarts of fuel per hour it should work out to over 200 MPG. Sould produce about 3 KW of power per hour and about 12 KW per gallon of fuel consumed.
Still trying to work out the rear wheel configuration. It would be nice to find a cast aluminum wheel that I could weld flanges to so it could bolt right to the drum of the IVT drive.