Haven't put the belly pans back on. I haven't noticed a difference with the belly pans being gone, honestly. I think this is due to how low my bumper is and they would show a difference if I had a stock height bumper. I only have the front 1/4" skid plate, and the smaller 3/16" ones on the transmission and differential. I only have noticed a 1.5 mpg per tank or less hit by installing my mirrors completely back to stock. It's nice parallel parking again.
Honestly, this tank isn't looking too bad. I loaned my scangauge out and it's been all city, but if I had to guess right now I'm around 25 mpg based on fuel gauge/miles. Which considering the traffic lately (students are back, the population roughly doubles) is good enough for me considering it's rated at 19 and I've seen 12 under similar conditions. It's also a weird feeling to go a week without filling up. When I had a job closer to home I put gas the car once every 2 months and now I'm used to doing it every 2 days.
Last edited by brucey; 08-30-2010 at 09:45 AM..