Just an update on a 25 year old Geo
Its' been quite a while since I posted anything, so I thought I would let the world know how life with a Geo has been for me.
I originally purchased the Geo new in 1990 because I was commuting 53 miles one way to work. The Geo was the first car that i have ever had that got the gas mileage advertised.
The car is now 25 years old, just turned over 300,000 miles, still gets 45 mpg city and 56 mpg highway.
I am retired and work as a SCCA corner marshal, and actually camp in the car. I have removed the passenger seat, made a pvc frame to support sheet of plywood, and can stretch out comfortably.
The only problem I have to contend with is hills. Driving from the LA area to Button Willow or Laguna Seca requires going thru the Tejon pass/grapevine. As I usually cruise at 55 to 60 mph and stay in with the trucks, the car has a real problem with long grades. I have found that I have no choice but to down shift into fourth and stay in the far right lane. Once over the hill, I'll shut off the motor and coast.
I have done no real modifications to the car. Pizza disc hub caps. And removal of the steering wheel lock so I can turn off the ignition and not have the wheel lock.
I have emblazoned "51.8 mpg avg" on the back window to alert aggressive SUV and Mercedes drivers that, no I am not going to speed up, please dim your lights, and feel free to pass (all the while I am in the slow lane).
I enjoy reading the experiments and modifications other members are pursuing. I do not believes I have ever seen any other car (the Geo) become such a platform for modification except the model T and the original VW.