Originally Posted by Kodak
Are urban planners responsible for traffic light timing, or are there specific traffic engineers who make a living trying to decided how to route traffic?
Interesting question. I would like to know the answer to that question as well. Much of my route is on rural highway. There are a few red lights at intersections. Since they're in a rural area, I'm sure there's no "urban planner" involved. If I had to guess, they were set up once when thye put in the red light and never touched again. So my guess is it would be whoever the DOT contracted to install it.
Most of the ones I go through are not "timed" per se--they have sensor loops and I assume by observations that there's a "sensitivity" adjustment that determines how much of a gap in traffic cross-wise is required to transition as well as a "time-out" adjustment, where it will eventually transition (in heavy or no traffic).