Hi folks, I was pondering this morning while observing my Torque Pro vac gauge on my nexus fluctuate during commuting if having an in line vacuum accumulator would help to maintain a more constant pressure. My Taurus fluctuated between ~-13.2 psi and hit a low around ~-5 psi. The company I work for uses a setup in our machines for mail opening to maintain a reserve of vac pressure for when our vac and dump solenoids are opening and closing, and maintain a max pressure of ~-25.5 psig while dropping to no less than about -18.5 psig while holding an envelope with suction through the paper of the envelope to hold it open. The vessel is roughly 5" in diameter and 6 or 7 inches long with a hole in either end where brass fittings are screwed in and could be made cheaply at home with the appropriate PVC end caps and a short section of pipe, PVC Glue, a drill, a tap and some fittings.
So would holding the vac pressure at a closer to constant level be effective in improving engine performance as to FE? Would it foul the emissions system? Where would be the best place to locate it as relates to vac systems in general for vehicles? Are there any possible detrimental side effects to consider?