Spdmini, here, I've been browsing for years and decided to come into the eco-fold. Currently, I have a 2012 Jetta Sportwagen TDI DSG, 1966 Austin Mini, and 1980 Mini Clubman Estate.
The JSW is the daily and is really racking up the miles, 11,500 since June of this year.
The '66 Mini, I've had since high school, was born with a 848cc but is now powered by 1380cc's of A-series fury. It returns ~35 mpg and is hoot to drive.
The Clubby Estate is the project vehicle purchased without a drivetrain. I'm in the process of deciding what route to take. Right now the options are an auto A-series or auto TDI (probably BEW for the better 5 speed 09A). The Autos are a must due to muscular dystrophy, so
on that.