The issue with the TPS% (Throttle Position Sensor) so high is shift tables, TCC, and fuel enrichment tables are in the wrong cell. Such as shift from 1-2 at 15mph if between 0-15% TPS but if TPS is 15-30% shift at 19mph, the PCM will shift at the higher value. Load and other things are calculated using TPS also.
It could be the way the scangauge reads but if it is polling the PCM then thats what it is using. To correct the issue a few things can be done.
1. Back the throttle stop screw out some and see if it fixes it. (backing out to much might cause the plate to stick some when cold.
2. Have a TPS learn procedure done so it will zero it at that value (not sure if the PCM allows it)
3. Measure the voltage at idle and adjust the sensor to spec by turning it. If the sensor is not adjustable the mounting holes might need to be made bigger.
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"It's not rocket surgery!" -MetroMPG