metro on lpg?
searched a fare amount and did'ent come up with any thing much.
any one run LP thru a 1.0L and 5sp, its a late model 2 dr Chevy metro.
so far my research is coming up with an average loss of a 20% with +/- of 5% on LP
being TBI it seems it shouldn't take much to convert one. from what im reading.
i figure it should get around 43 to 47 maybe more, maybe less? figuring it would be high 50s on E0 gas with modest effort.
local to me, LP is running about $1.50 now and should top out at the end of winter around $2.30 or less.
1 86 T\D trooper with rare GEN 3 rods TRANS FIXED  NOW DD
1 86 4WD 5sp pup is 2.3L gas, but plan on 2.2L diesel repower
1 91 trop, long term plan is a group buy of imported Isuzu 4JB1-T 2.8L I-4 engines, hoping to get price down to 2K not 3K plus
1993 sidekick my MPG toy, epa rating 26.
i get 29/31 with stock drive train.